


Just / Already / Yet

I've studied how to use 'just', 'already' and 'yet' in grammar lessons. 'Just' is used when it has been a short time. 'Already' is used if I did it before. 'Yet' is used in questions and negative sentences. Each word is used in both the 'P…

Present Perfect

I've been studying the present perfect. Present perfect is an action from past to present. It almost seems too simple. Present perfect uses 'for' and 'since', but doesn't use 'ago'. 'For' is duration. ex) I've been in Tokyo for two years. …


平成最期の夏がとても残念なものとなりました(泣) トドメを刺した?急性胃腸炎 8/3 仕事中、夕方に倦怠感と寒気を覚える。 電車内が寒く、ひとり鳥肌を立てながら帰宅する。 帰宅後、熱を測ると39度オーバー... すぐに寝る。 8/4 朝に下痢をしたのと腹部が…